Thursday, April 29, 2010

I weighed today and I am at 201. That is really awesome! I suppose I was really overeating for there to be a 4 lb differance in 2 days. LOL Well, I have had so far this morning, 1 pc chicken- and a protien shake for breakfast, part of a chef salad and I am about to have some eggs with a little cheese for lunch. I am trying to drink lots of water regularly as well. Well gotta go for now, more later.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

A New Day

Ok, well I have not been venting on here like I had planned. I dont guess I really want people I know to see my venting. Today I am going to talk about my weight goals. I dont want to tell my husband of my new diet, I just want to do it. I have multiple factors that affect me. I am diabetic, have high blood pressure and cholestoral. With that all in mind I have started today a diet I am going to try till the end of May. During the day I am going to eat chicken, eggs, turkey, veggies and low carb protien shakes. At dinner I will eat a small potion of what ever my family is having and try to avoid whatever carb is in it. I have been and will continue to drink lots of water, and I will start doing my one mile walk video once each day. It takes around 30 minutes. Right now I weigh 205. I will see how I do through the month and try to check in. If I don't, then I will let you know when it is all done how it came out. I think I MIGHT try to lay out a little and get a little tan. I dont normally do that, but one month wont hurt :) Let's see how this goes. I am feeling excited, I can't wait to see how I do.
Last night I went to bed at 11pm and between then and 4am I had to get up 4 times with my little girls. (3 yrs and 7 months) Then at 4 did it get better you ask, no that is when the 3 year old woke up ready to be wide awake. I had her stay in bed till 4:30 when she had a "big sneeze" and woke the month old. She was then also wide awake but was not content to stay in her bed, so the 3 of us went to the living room to watch a Popeye video. I fixed a huge breakfast for everyone. The 3 year old went to sleep again around 5:30 and the 7 month old did not go back to sleep till around 8. They both woke up around 10am, and now are not tired for their afternoon naps :-/ Well, I will go for now, baby is crying, perhaps she will settle in for a late nap.... We will see.